
Adolescent Health Education Programme

SSS, in partnership with its sister concern SCS has initiated a series of efforts, which aim at imparting menstrual health and hygiene education to adolescent girls. Menstruation and menstrual hygiene practices are still clouded by taboos and socio-cultural restrictions resulting in adolescent girls remaining ignorant of the scientific facts and health hygiene practices which sometimes result into adverse health outcomes.

Broad objective of this programme is to impart accurate and reliable information to adolescent girls on topics identified as important to their health and well being and for which basic information is not always easily available and accessible. The project is being carried out in schools in partnership with the State Department of Secondary Education. It covers topics like introduction to female anatomy and reproductive system, menstrual health and hygiene, anaemia and right age for marriage.

The idea behind school level intervention essentially underlines the growing importance of including menstrual education in school curriculum as it aptly compliments the teaching which is by and large limited to theoretical notions hidden in each subject that is being taught. These lessons are carried out in an environment where girls are separated from boys and focus is placed on the finer aspects of menstruation and its management.

These sessions are delivered by women volunteers who are selected on the basis of their communication skills and knowledge about human physiology and psychology.